If you had an hour...

We lost an hour this weekend. If you had it back, what would you do with it?


Binge Netflix?

Make it to church (or watch the livestream)?

Not feel like you were hit by a bus? - This would be me!

How does a one hour change make such a huge biological difference?

My kids can’t sleep. My body feels terrible. Everything is just off.

Does DST still have purpose? I do love the extra daylight, so I’d argue yes purely from that standpoint. It is a practice that originated long ago around the world to save energy. Check out this National Geographic article to learn more about its history.

Popular Mechanics argues that DST is a good thing, and that its benefits include better health, lower crime rates, and reduced energy consumption. As I already mentioned, the extra sunlight in the evenings is great, and that seems to be general consensus. But winter days are short and dark no matter what, so why do we make the switch back to Standard Time for a short four months each year? Why don’t we stay on DST all year? Well, turns out, that is a question gaining popularity, and a bi-partisan bill - the Sunshine Protection Act of 2021 - is currently on the table.

Would you support this bill to stay on DST all year? Or do you like to spring forward and fall back? Let me know what you think in the comments! Especially if you like the change - please share your thoughts!

Also, how old were you when you learned that it’s Daylight Saving Time, not Daylight Savings Time? I was today years old.